Rwy' fi'n dechreu teimlo eisoes
Rwyf yn dechrau profi eisoes

(Y Nefoedd)
Rwy' fi'n dechreu teimlo eisoes,
  Beraroglau'r gwledydd draw,
Gyda'r awel bur yn hedeg,
  Diau fod y wlad gerllaw;
Dere'r tir dymunol hyfryd,
  Dere'r ardal sydd heb drai,
Dy bleserau o bob rhywiau,
  Gad i'm bellach eu mwynhau.

'Rwyf yn teimlo gwynt y dehau
  Yn anadlu awel bur,
Ac yn ysgafn gario f'enaid,
  Draw i fryniau'r Ganaan dir;
Aeth y gaua' garw heibio,
  Darfu'r oer dymhestlog wynt,
Na ddoed mwy'r cawodydd duon
  I fy mlino megys gynt.

Tyred f'enaid ar i fynu,
  Allan o'r anialwch maith;
Hiraeth sy arnaf am gael gweled,
  Gwledydd hyfryd pen fy nhaith:
Blino teithio'r creigydd geirwon,
  Lle 'rwy'n wastad yn cael briw;
Ac fe'm clwyfid i farwolaeth,
  On' ba'i cariad rhad fy Nuw.

Draw mi wela'r ardal hyfryd,
  Lle mae'm trysor,
    lle mae 'mryd;
Lle mae'm henw i yn guddiedig,
  Lle mae nghysur oll i gyd:
Draw fy mhriod, draw fy nghariad,
  Draw fy anwylyd, draw fy nhad;
A fy nghartref nefol tawel,
  Yn y baradwysaidd wlad.
- - - - -

(Y wlad well)

'Rwyf yn dechreu profi eisioes
  Beraroglau'r gwledydd draw,
Gyda'r awel bur yn hedeg;
  Diau fod y wlad gerllaw:
Tyred dir dymunol hyfryd,
  Tyred ardal sydd heb drai,
Dy bleserau o bob rhywiau,
  Gad im' bellach eu mwynhau.

Ac er gwaethaf grym y tonau
  Sydd yn curo o bob tu,
Dof trwy'r stormydd
    dof trwy'r gwyntoedd,
  Rywbryd i'r baradwys fry:
Gair fy Nuw sy'n drech
    na'r moroedd,
  Gair fy Nuw sy'n
      drech na'r don;
Mi anturia'r oll a feddwyf
  Bythol i'r addewid hon.

Ac ni fyddai'n hir cyn gorphen,
  Ddim yn hir cyn cyrhaedd fry;
Pob gorchymyn, pob anogaeth,
  Pob addewid sydd o'm tu;
Nid y dyfnder fydd fy nhrigfan,
  Gwn y deuaf yn y man,
'Nol fy ngolchi gan y tonau,
  Yn ddiangol iawn i'r lan.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]: Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)

  Draw mi wela'r ardal hyfryd
  Dyn dieithr ydwyf yma
  O na chlywn yr utgorn arian
  Tyred f'enaid ar i fyny

I am beginning to feel already,
  Sweet-smelling countries yonder,
With the pure breeze flying,
  Without doubt the land is nearby;
Come thou desired delightful country,
  Come thou region which is without ebbing,
Thy pleasures of all kinds,
  Let me henceforth enjoy them.

I am feeling the wind of the south
  Breathing a pure breeze,
And lightly carrying my soul,
  Yonder to the hills of Canaan land;
Let the rough winter pass,
  The cold tempestuous wind will vanish,
No more shall come the black showers
  To exhaust me like before.

Come my soul up,
  Out of the vast desert;
I have a longing for getting to see,
  Delightful countries of my journey's end:
Exhausting travelling the rough rocks,
  Where I am constantly getting bruised;
And it wounds me to death
  Apart from the free love of my God.

Yonder I see the delightful region,
  Where my treasure is,
    where my affection is;
Where my name is concealed,
  Where all my treasure is altogether:
Yonder my own one, yonder my love,
  Yonder my beloved, yonder my father;
And my quiet, heavenly home,
  In the paradisiacal country.
- - - - -

(The better land)

I am beginning to experience already
  The sweet-smelling countries yonder,
With the pure breeze flying;
  Doubtless that the country is nearby:
Come thou desired, delightful land,
  Come thou region which is without ebbing,
Thy pleasures of all kinds,
  Let me henceforth enjoy them.

And despite the force of the waves
  Which are beating on every side,
I shall come through the storms,
    come through the winds,
  Sometime to the paradise above:
The word of my God is
    mightier than the seas,
  The word of my God is
      mightier than the wave;
I will venture all I possess
  Forever on this promise.

And it will not be long before finishing,
  Not long before arriving above;
Every commandment, every exhortation,
  Every promise which is on my side;
Not the depth shall be my dwelling place,
  I know I shall come soon,
After my washing by the waves,
  Very safely to the shore.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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